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Talks around Computer Science and Stuff
In: PHP Framework
28 Apr 2009YII is a PHP framework, with a lot of goodies such as :
As any other good framework, it comes with a bunch of tools, scripts to auto-generate skeleton code or classes.
I have watched the screencast, and it seems fairly good. I have added YII to my list of things to test. Expect soon a post about YII 😉
Meanwhile, you can check out YII @ http://www.yiiframework.com/
My name is Bashar Al-Fallouji, I work as a Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services.
I am particularly interested in Cloud Computing, Web applications, Open Source Development, Software Engineering, Information Architecture, Unit Testing, XP/Agile development.
On this blog, you will find mostly technical articles and thoughts around PHP, OOP, OOD, Unit Testing, etc. I am also sharing a few open source tools and scripts.