That’s some fancy PHP logging …!

In: Logging|PHP

28 Apr 2009

Wufoo shares a very neato tool called PHP Quick Profiler or PQP. It basically allows a developper to have some usefull and fancy logging on a piece of code.

PHP Quick Profiler

How hard is it to use ? 

Well, it took me around 3 minutes to download and use it on one of my scripts.

Here is what I got on a custom test script. Doesn’t that look nice ?

QPQ Example
Wanna try it ? You can find all info here:

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Who am I?

My name is Bashar Al-Fallouji, I work as a Enterprise Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services.

I am particularly interested in Cloud Computing, Web applications, Open Source Development, Software Engineering, Information Architecture, Unit Testing, XP/Agile development.

On this blog, you will find mostly technical articles and thoughts around PHP, OOP, OOD, Unit Testing, etc. I am also sharing a few open source tools and scripts.

  • Trinzia: Well done, my friend! [...]
  • vivek raj: Hello Bashar, It's really good that you wrote this code. but I'm confused some part. can you suppor [...]
  • irfan: I saw watch your youtube talk on clean and testable code. By the way very good talk. I was wondering [...]
  • Mohamed: Hello bashar, I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your hard work, and thank you for sharing [...]
  • alex davila: Hi Bashar is there any pick up example?? Regards Alex Davila [...]